Accreditation Tool Kit

Best Practices Accreditation Tool Kit

I have recently developed a very valuable resource for agencies beginning the accreditation process, are in the middle of the process, or have already achieved accreditation and wish to further build their current framework for continued quality improvement! The tool kit will provide you with a structured blue print/ framework for success!

I have recently developed a very valuable resource for agencies beginning the accreditation process, are in the middle of the process, or have already achieved accreditation and wish to further build their current framework for continued quality improvement! The tool kit will provide you with a structured blue print/ framework for success!

The contents are as follows:

  • Policies related to Business practices and administration
  • Health and Safety Policy manual
  • Medication management Policies
  • Personnel Policies
  • Stakeholder handbooks
  • Personal planning books for clients
  • Job descriptions and performance evaluations
  • Sample of Annual management summary
  • Samples of Risk management plan, Technology and System Plan,
  • Accessibility Plan
  • Client service plan templates and follow-up
  • Code of Ethics

All of these documents can be tailored to meet your agency’s needs and through additional consultation by myself can easily be implemented to create a living and breathing framework that focuses on continually improving the way your agency functions.

I believe that Mike Taylor and Carmichael Enterprises provide a consistent professional level of care.