Consulting Services

About our Consulting Services

Mike Taylor Consulting offers comprehensive accreditation preparation, assessment, review and technical assistance for new and existing CARF accredited agencies. Staff training for group homes is also available to help create the knowledge base and care philosophy necessary to achieve CARF accreditation. Services are available individually, or as part of a comprehensive training and preparation package.

1. What services does my organization need?

Accreditation Readiness: 
Planning is the key for agencies seeking initial accreditation. Preparation should begin 9 to 12 months before the initial survey visit. I offer accreditation preparation services based on my experience as a CARF surveyor. Services include on-site visits, and documentation and policy review.

Comprehensive Accreditation Preparation: 
This is the best option for an organization preparing for CARF accreditation. Mike Taylor Consulting will work with the agency to produce an agency-specific Policy and Procedure Manual, Quality Assurance Plan, Corporate Compliance Program, Risk Management/Strategic Planning Model, Accessibility, Information Technology, Health and Safety Policy and Procedure Manuals, Customized Assessment and Survey Instruments, and Customized Consumer Handbooks. All work is done collaboratively to ensure optimal implementation.

Currently Accredited Programs:
 Accreditation is a commitment to continual improvement, and must be renewed. I am able to assist currently accredited organizations prepare for their next survey, including the resolution of any cited recommendations, interpreting policies, and implementing new or updated standards. This is especially useful for organizations that received an initial 1-year accreditation based on needed improvements.

2. What other accreditation services do you offer?

Mock Surveys

Mock Surveys are an excellent way to identify an organization’s readiness for an actual survey. When combined with an on-site review and technical assistance, it is often the most efficient way to prepare for a survey. I use the comprehensive baseline Organization Assessment survey to evaluate your organization’s current level of compliance with CARF standards. The assessment is tailored to your organization’s scope of service, client population, and setting and provides a foundation for developing a Customized Survey Preparation Plan for CARF survey readiness. The survey is delivered in a way similar to the actual CARF process. This further helps assist in developing readiness.


I have 20 years of experience in the social services field, and several years as a surveyor for CARF. I have developed some of the best policy and procedure documents, quality assurance processes, corporate compliance programs, and performance management measurement instruments in the industry. I can customize any of these documents to meet the specific needs of your agency. My own agency regularly receives exemplary designations as a result of the unique manuals and approaches I have developed through my years of services.

3. Tell me about your staff training for group homes.

Most accrediting bodies recommend training group home employees to “maintain a common knowledge base and residential care philosophy with consistently high values and practices.” Employee training is designed to meet the needs of individuals while complying with policies for group home operations. I offer the following training services:

Human Development/Personal Planning

Group home employees learn about the social, emotional and physical development of persons served. Employees study life stages and learn how to teach life skills. Knowledge of developmental disabilities and behavioral issues is also provided. Youth home employees may learn how to help individuals transition to independence, while those working with the developmentally disable learn limitations and when they may need to provide more assistance.

Legal and Ethical Issues

Group home employees learn about individual’s rights, confidentiality, provincial and federal laws, records management and documentation, and local policy regarding facility operation. In homes where medical records are used, training may provide knowledge of provincial laws regarding confidentiality

Health and Safety

Staff must learn how to maintain a safe environment and how to prevent and respond to medical and household emergencies. Training teaches medication management, CPR, First Aid, and how to recognize illness and prevent transmission of disease. Group home staff learn about safe food preparation and nutrition, how to transport residents in vehicles, and how to ensure that residents are complying with safety regulations. An employee who works with a person with mobility issues may also learn about wheelchair safety, while an employee who works with youth may learn to recognize the signs of eating

4. Do you offer any additional training services?

Yes, I am able to offer these additional training services:

• Emergency Safety Management via the SIVA Model
• Caregiver Self-Care

For more information visit SIVA Training:

This has been the best training I have received to date. Thank you to the team!